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Is there such a thing as unconditional love?

“That’s a good question and it’s hard to say, especially from me, who hasn’t really experienced any severe emotional trauma. For example, I would say that I unconditionally love my mother, or sibling, best friend or partner(s). But I wonder if any type of negative, abusive relationship would affect this ideal of ‘unconditionality.’ However, maybe this is being too specific. In the broader sense, I think that ‘unconditional love’ can exist when talking about, say, humanity. Or life itself. Or existence. I unconditionally love the human experience. Isn’t that tantra? Or, I unconditionally love the act of being alive. Isn’t this being present?”

Is there such a thing as unconditional love?

“Love can be unconditional, but its important to note that there is nothing truly wrong with conditional love. We all have preferences, that is natural, its a wonderful gift to get to love the people, places, and things that we conditionally love most. Of course, no person, place, or thing is perfect in a conditional sense so the greater the level of unconditional love, the more peace and joy it will bring us. Unconditional love is possible in that we can love someone or something just as it is, without needing it to change in anyway. But, that doesn’t mean we need to adhere to the demands of that someone or something in a self-sacrificing way. It just means we don’t need them to do or not do anything for us to love them. Unconditional and conditional love go together, there is no need to strive for perfect unconditional love for all, especially at the expense of our well-being. Love that is best in my eyes, is love that is nonjudgmental, free, and willing.”

Is there such a thing as unconditional love?

“Unconditional love is not a thing. It is the very fabric that pervades life. It is the very nature of living and the original nature of having consciousness. It is the very existence. There can never be a conditional or ‘unconditional’ love – these are labels made up by the mind. If we live life existentially, we will always experience and be this essence of living and thus, loving. If we live life psychologically, we will always differentiate what is and what isn’t and never notice this essence of life.”

Is there such a thing as unconditional love?

“Unconditional love is unwavering and imperturbable.  There is never a moment where one would question their love for someone who they love unconditionally.  On the contrary, conditional love is usually tied to selfish desires.  When our love is conditional, we fuse a person with our temporary pleasure, and form a fog of infatuation for them.  This is only a facade, and this type of love is as fragile as a single candle flame.  Unconditional love is as strong as a raging fire and the only true love that exists.”

Is there such a thing as unconditional love?

“Unconditional love exists, but not in the ways we think.  Love itself is the core of our existence – however, as humans we condition our experience of love based on attachments and a perceived sense of separateness. When we feel separate from others, there arises selfishness – and if there is any trace of selfishness within us, even if it is out of survival, the love that we experience is usually conditioned by this illusion.  Thus, to awaken to our true nature is to discover unconditional love.”

-The Kid