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What is the next stage in human evolution?

“In a post-internet , post-pandemic world, commercial retail prices will go down drastically due to everyone working from home and few companies needing physical spaces outside of home. This decrease in retail price will create a resurgence of physical retail spaces  from scrappy entrepreneurs who will create community and cultural hubs for people to gather in, in a hyper digital world. We will see a move away from shops, and a move towards cultural centers.”

What is the next stage in human evolution?

“Moving forward, in 200 years, I see humans as having a revolution of returning to their relationship with Mother Earth as our provider. This will spawn a new arousing of creative energies from our mother planet, which will seep into every human being, thus setting off a new kind of Renaissance from within. The human brain will come back online and we will once again be moving toward the singularity. This Renaissance will mark the beginning of the path to complete oness throughout our species. Ten years after this beginning, we will receive time and space in brand new ways. The mind will be used to its full potential, completely decimating the need to speak aloud. Other civilizations from the distant multiverse will come to watch as the human evolves into a new dimension co-created through love.”

What is the next stage in human evolution?

“When we speak about evolution, we mean a transformation of consciousness. Right now, humans are shifting from an anthropocentric worldview into a global interconnected worldview. Eventually egocentrism has to evolve into eco-centrism. To do so, connection to nature has to happen, and spirituality will take form in human consciousness. Spirituality in this context means aligning one’s worldview to a model that supports Life on Earth rather than ideas of human transcendence away from Earth.”

What is the next stage in human evolution?

“Humans are nearing the end of their time as the top dogs here on earth.  We are racing artificial intelligence technology against the destruction of the environment.  If our AI wins the race, it will be able to continue to exist even without the resources the earth provides.  However, if we lose that race, our species will be wiped out as we cannot survive without the earth and its resources.  That said, after each extinction, the earth rebounds with a new wave of progress.  The next species may be a more sustainable version of us.”

What is the next stage in human evolution?

“‘Homo Sapiens’ means ‘wise men’ – a modest name we have given ourselves….  There are perhaps two new species in existence today.  One I call ‘Homo Hubris’ (meaning ‘Prideful Man’).  Those with an anthropocentric, egocentric mindset fall into this species (someone like Donald Trump).  The other is called ‘Homo Conscious’ and refers to those who have awakened to their true nature (those like Christ, Buddha, etc).  The overarching pull of evolution, fortunately, is towards ‘Homo Conscious.’”