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When and where (if at all) do you think we will find extraterrestrial life?

“We may find it before 2030. The James Webb Space Telescope (currently slated for launch in two years) and the Wide-Field Infrared Survey Telescope (scheduled for launch in the mid-2020s) will both be able to observe the spectra of exoplanets. Finding an earth-like or super-earth planet with free oxygen in its atmosphere would be a pretty compelling argument for life. Oxygen is highly reactive. Unless it’s constantly being generated, it will soon (in planetary terms) become bound up in oxides in the planet’s crust.

This planet did not have an oxygenated atmosphere when it formed. Life evolved here in a reducing atmosphere. The first oxygenating photosynthetic life gave us oxygen, and also exterminated almost every living organism on the planet—oxygen, being highly reactive, tends to kill anaerobic organisms.

This event in Earth’s history is often called the Oxygen Catastrophe. Wikipedia, in a bizarre fit of political correctness, calls it the “great oxygenation event”—but I digress. Point is, an oxygenated atmosphere isn’t natural without life. If all life on earth died, the earth’s atmosphere would quickly (again in planetary terms) lose all its oxygen. So if we see oxygen in the air on another planet, odds are very good we’ve seen extraterrestrial life. This next decade is going to be a very exciting time, a very exciting time indeed. What an extraordinary, splendid time to be alive!”

When and where (if at all) will humans find extraterrestrial life?

“Honestly, nobody knows. We just don’t quite know enough about reality to be able to say how probable life is. If I have to pull a date out of my arse, I would say we will find extraterrestrial life in about 200 years. I think by then we will have self-replicating Von Neumann probes, and will have charted several thousand planets. Eventually we will find one with some kind of unicellular life. And it will be a joyous day indeed. I hope I am still alive to see it.”

When and where (if at all) do you think we will find extraterrestrial life?

“I think we will find extraterrestrial life within the next 50 years. Within the century, new discoveries will be as common as discovering new species on Earth. A new space-race will emerge competing for who can discover the most evolved life form. We will be attacking these missions through different mediums. Once we discover the first species, we will learn quite a bit – most importantly, that there are other modes of connecting with ET life forms such as through certain vibrational frequencies, through certain states of consciousness, and through quantum computing. This will begin an exponential increase in human evolution and, potentially, even the evolution of the Universe.”

When and where do you think we will find extraterrestrial life?

“We will find extraterrestrial life among us.  For all we know, it may be here already.  We do not see things until we know they exist.  For example, when Christopher Columbus arrived in America, the Native Americans did not know what his boat was, as they had never seen one before.  Until we see aliens, we will not know what to expect.  There are known unknowns and unknown unknowns, and for all we know (or don’t), aliens are already with us, waiting to be discovered.”

When and where do you think we will find extraterrestrial life?

“We will connect with ET life through a different means than what we are used to;  In the same way we think of someone right before they call – through synchronicity.  The Universe is composed of vibrational frequency, and in the same way light waves can travel 300,000 km/s, we can connect in a moment with another being vibrating on the same  frequency, even across the galaxy.  This is happening all the time, and it is a matter of learning to tune in that will let us connect with ET life.”