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With the climate changing, what will the Earth look like in 50 years?

“It’s hard to say. One thing is for sure, I think our cities will continue to grow. People will continue to flock to the cities. I know there is desire and drive, among some, to leave the urban life and settle in smaller towns, especially as technology makes it easier to hold modern jobs from remote locations. However, I believe these individuals striving for a simpler life are the minority, and the majority thrives in these large metropolitan centers full of diversity and constant innovation. Humans are still relatively young and our world since the industrial revolution is VERY young. We are going to continue to evolve, innovate and create. Ideally, as we continue to further expand our civilization, it can be done via more and more sustainable means. One thing is for sure, we are continuing to the terraforming the earth and its atmosphere with our burning of fossil fuels. Quite frankly, I don’t see this stopping. Slowing down, maybe, if something better comes along, but we will most likely use oil until it is all gone, regardless the speed at which we achieve this feat.

Okay okay, I’m getting to my answer. What will earth look like? Bigger cities. Higher sea levels. Less ice. Maybe fewer cars? Definitely fewer cars in more societally advances places like Europe and parts of Asia. I doubt we can fix our transportation issues in the US in 50 years. Insane medical advancements. Human augmentation will be big. We’ll have neural implants that can cure everything from Parkinson’s to Alzheimer’s to blindness. Bionic limbs will be getting remarkably life-like. Self-driving cars? Definitely most, if not all.

The western part of the US is most likely heading into a major drought that could last over a century and is thought to be about 47% caused by human contribution to climate change – and the rest is just part of a cycle of change. San Francisco will become like LA, the Pacific North West will become like the Bay Area (I’m speaking climate-wise here). The deserts in the southwestern United States will grow, reaching farther north. The humid subtropical climate of the southern United States is going to expand its reach farther north as well. In 50 years we are going to be living in a very different world. Hopefully, a lot of the bigotry and racism in the United States and the prejudice against immigrants will die out with these old racists baby boomers. There will always be ignorance, its unavoidable, but maybe the United States can once again become the melting pot – taking in people from all over the world in massive numbers and providing them with opportunities and education they may not have had access to before. I think one things is for sure, in 50 years we will be living in a much more globalized world. We will most definitely have quantum computing, and our world of technology is going to look about as similar to today’s tech as today’s tech looks when compared to tech from 50 years ago. I mean, today our cell phones are more powerful than computers that used to take up entire rooms back in the day.

Money? We will most likely still have fiat money, however, I also anticipate a much more developed world of decentralized finance, albeit one that has been upgraded to function in a world of quantum computing. This is going to completely change our relationship with money. There will be many, many more economies in the world than there are today, and there will also be some much larger and more globalized economies. In 50 years Elon Musk will either be dead or an old man, but one thing is for sure, he most likely will be regarded as the father of the future that we know. He surely won’t be responsible for everything, but I think he will be regarded as the man that really got the momentum going in the realm of future-tech. He might be a bit of a wing-nut, and he definitely lacks balance as a human. He seems to fill the role of anarchist mad-scientist, but I think ultimately he has good intentions even if he lacks foresight and perspective. The greats are usually a bit odd, so I think his oddity is simply a sign that he’s gonna get a lot of shit done in his time here – some of which we cannot even being to imagine yet.

So, what will the world look like in 50 years? Different. Very Different.”

With the climate changing, what will the Earth look like in 50 years?

“Our future depends on whether we can realize our interdependence with all of nature.  Human beings see themselves apart from nature and feel they can use and exploit it. If this is not understood it will act independently to teach us. Humans are perhaps the most violent and inhumane species in the world. This exploitation of animals, birds and all living things has gone too far.

Nature is a giver. Take a tree as an example. It never asks for anything in deep winter or intense heat. It offers flowers and fruits for all to take as food. Even after it dies, it gives us the timber. It gives us oxygen for humans to survive. 

Simple living can save the world. In Wuhan, the blue skies could be seen even just a few weeks into quarantine.  The air is breathable, the waters are cleaner. Yes the stock markets will fall. The culture of consumerism and waste will stop for a while. This must become a new culture. Simple living is the foundation of a happy contented life. Do we really need 10 percent growth year after year? Is that sustainable?  The wise know that this unsustainable consumerism cannot go on for ever. Take what you need. This is what nature does. 

Finally understand the power of Nature. No technology, no construction can fight against the power of Nature . Be it air, water, fire or a virus. It’s more powerful than a distorted mind of humans so beware and be aware. Treat all of nature with respect and love in every act you do.  Learn to respect and love for your own sake. You are doing nobody a favour. Once this virus is controlled another will rise. Once a fire in Forest is subdued another will arise. One a tsunami is gone another will arise Every time with larger force The next hundred years will be witness to this may the next 20 years .. yogis be in Tree pose. Every teacher of spiritualism in any form and every yogi every learner on the path must show the way. Now…”

With the climate changing, what will the Earth look like in 50 years?

“Climate change is a natural cycle on Earth, it has done that for all its eternity. Nothing is pre-determined – it depends what choice humans are choosing to make. We live in a crucial transition point – probably the first time in recorded history where the Earth’s balance will be in the hands of humans as humans have grown to gain enough power to do so. If humans choose to live in harmony with Earth – Earth will thrive in 50 years, and the opposite of that is also true.”

With the climate changing, what will the Earth look like in 50 years?

“50 years from now, we will have gone through a number of catastrophes, one of which will be devastating to the point of near extinction.  The catastrophe will be a virus, much like this one, that is 10x more deadly and 5x more contagious.  It will devastate our population to a mere 10-20 percent of what it is now, and cause such economic collapse that we will be forced to basically restart society.   This will be seen as the most significant turning point in human history (in a good way).”

With the climate changing, what will the Earth look like in 50 years?

“The next few decades will be among the most difficult in human history.  We will hit a climax of all the pressing issues of our time.  Climate change will have taken the lives and livelihoods of billions, artificial intelligence may threaten human existence (if it deems us obsolete), every country on earth will have access to nuclear weaponry, and the disparity in wealth will be far worse than it is today.  These are just a few of the dire consequences we will face from our complacency today.”

With the climate changing, what will the Earth look like in 50 years?

“Within the next 50 years, we can expect the most significant change of the planet in human history.  As humans ‘evolve’, we care more about developing mechanically (via the brain and computers) than we care about the physical world.  Besides the decimation of millions of species, the mass human migration of billions of humans, and the complete variation of the planet’s ecosystems, the earth will be transitioning away from the physical and towards a new wave of invisible, computerized evolution. “