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What is time?

“Time is an obsession of the modern man. But I believe it could once be simply described as ‘the changing of seasons’ or ‘when the berries come in.'”

What is time?

“Time is a construct. I have often wondered if it is indeed necessary or not. I’m not going to get all ‘Hawking’, but rather keep this relatively simple. For the basis of this answer it is necessary to look at the two factors, which impact what we know as relative time as compared to absolute time. The two factors are the Rotation of the earth about its axis and the Revolution of the earth around the sun. The world as it now exists has the notable occurrence of the rise and fall of the sun, which occurs, in a regular pattern. This observed pattern gives us what we have named day and night. This pattern is due to the rotation of the earth about its own axis. Simultaneously, the earth is revolving around the sun. The revolution of the earth around the sun is responsible for the shift in seasons (anywhere from 2-4 seasons are experienced throughout the world). To quantify these changes time was constructed. Time as we know It uses 60 as its base. Sixty is a number with 12 factors. Now that the basics are laid out we can delve into the question of what is time? 

Returning to my belief that time is a construct.  Time as we know it is a mechanism to quantify regularly occurring effects of the rotation and revolution of the earth. However, why even quantify it? If we had no means of quantifying would the world be lost or dysfunctional? Probably not as the rotation and revolution of the earth would likely guide our actions. Or if we only had a running cumulative number would it really make any difference at all?  Although the latter would be utilizing a form of time just with a structural change to how it looks.  

Perhaps time is inescapable. The reason why it may be inescapable is that we observe the shifts in day / night and shifts in seasons or in other words we observe movement and change. These observations of movement and change, whether we care to quantify them or not, exist and will continue to exist.  Time provides us with a reference to events that occurred (past), are occurring (present) and will occur (future). 

As regular and inescapable as time may be, the experience of time does not remain regular or consistent, but rather is subjective.  Think of yourself being lost in the moment of an enjoyable experience. Time as you know it can be perceived stopped or nonexistent for those moments. Now consider moments of pain. Time as you know it is not lost, but rather intensified. During those painful moments we may be acutely aware of each and every moment that passes. 
Regardless of our subjective experience, either moments of elation or pain, the earth’s position changes. Our subjective experience or perception, of the moments we experience, does not slow down or speed up the rate of change in the earth’s position. After each moment the earth is no longer at the same universal location it was at the moment before. In an effort to explain the changed location we have constructed a unit of measure we refer to as time.”

Relative vs Absolute time:
Seasonal shifts:

What is time?

“Apparently, physicists have decided it’s impossible to travel back in time, only forward. Would anyone want to travel forward in time, not knowing what will await them and knowing they’d never be able to return? That’s quite a commitment.”

What is time?

“Physical sciences have a kind of linear approach to matters of the universe.  Time runs in one direction. The physical body is considered the death of the person.  When we look at space, they say it’s moving away at a frantic pace.  Soon there may be no stars to see. Where will they go?  ‘Zero’ was invented on Vedic math. All other numbers are limiting, while Zero is expansive.  If you look at Vedic thought it’s all in circles. Nothing is linear…

In a circle there is no beginning or end. It’s all seen as a part of a continuous process. Many religions give a human being only one life which will decide his or her fate in heaven or hell.  This is linear thinking. The reality of the world does not match up to this belief. What chance does it give to the poor, downtrodden, oppressed and so on.  Because the Vedic thinking is in a continuum, a person is born, grows, dies and is born again.  You have to come back where it started . Similarly the universe starts as a seed, grows, and then is withdrawn into the seed to start another circle in due course. This is one day of Brahma, and it goes on and on.

There is only one viable design in the universe for anything in motion. That’s a circle. No other design can last long enough. So the sun here or a sun in a far off galaxy will have the same design. So, too, with their plants and moons. This is the grand design.

So when we lead our lives, we must break away from linear thinking to a more continuous circle. Karma is the action and result of our action coming back to us alone. This life ends with the physical body but the mind comes back to us in a different body. It’s a growth cycle, not a beginning and end.  Thinking this way, many of today’s realities can be well understood. You are not born a sinner, it’s part of the process that you make mistakes. The bad will dominate every now and then, but good, too, will dominate some other time. Reflect on these things to break a straight line thinking and reality becomes clearer.  Those who are seriously interested in growth must change their thinking pattern.  There is no other way. When we don’t really see reality, it looks like a straight line. This life called samsara is a continuous circle of happiness and unhappiness. Very few can get out of this trap because there is no end. Only the enlightened can jump out of the circle and watch the drama we call life. They become one with the grand designer, which is beyond the circle.  Most of us do not live in reality but in our own linear mind constructs.  The grand design of the universe combines opposites in a circle.  I think that’s enough for now.  You can reflect.”

What is time?

“Time is a creation of the mind and does not exists. Pasts are determined by memories and memories are not the past. Future are determined by concepts of the past about what is going to happen and through learned experiences of patterns. Time is a human construct made for referencing the universe that does not mean time exists in reality. What exists is the eternal moment of the present – everything and anything happens in this space of infinite possibilities.”