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What is the greatest threat to the future of our species?

“We are our own greatest threat. We are all so worried about people dying all over the world, due to the machinations of other people, the spread of disease, famine, drought, wars, genocide and natural disasters, but consider what would have happened if all the calamities of the past had not happened. All those people who died would not have met untimely ends and would all have procreated as most people are doing now. 

Mankind would long ago have overrun every square centimetre of the planet, leaving no space in which to grow food. All resources would have dried up; pollution, including our excrement, would have reached toxic levels; there would have been no pure water to drink … mankind and every other living organism would have become extinct and Earth would have been no different from any other barren piece of rock in the solar system.  

Mankind is unable to control his reproductive urges, yet he is the only creature on earth with the capacity to contemplate doing so. It is not as though he is an endangered species, but he breeds away without giving a thought to the impact it will have on the planet in the future and whether he can afford to support his offspring or not.
There are so many unsolved mysteries right here on the ground, yet he prides himself on his

ability to waste vast sums of money on sending craft into space and to explore other nearby heavenly bodies. 
He sends all his healthiest specimens to be killed in wars, retaining the sick, the lame and the lazy to propagate his species. 
Is this small sample a sign of mankind’s vaunted intelligence? If they are, then mankind is truly his own greatest threat.”

What is the greatest threat to the future of our species?

“The most devastating thing for humanity is FORCING UNIFORMITY. It means imposing the same culture, rule or dharma on everyone in the world. This danger is quite real because every powerful person or group is trying to impose their values on everyone else to bring uniformity in the world.

  • The western countries want the whole world to follow the western lifestyle.
  • The Islamic nations want their code of conduct to be followed by every one
  • Buddhists want everyone to follow Buddha’s life
  • Christians want people to be Christ-like
  • Jews want to follow eye for eye policy
  • Hindus want to adhere to their caste system
  • Scientists and rationalists want people to discard religions
  • Believers want everyone to believe in God
  • The communists want autocratic government and no rights of property
  • The capitalists wants free market and democracy

The conviction among people that only their perspective is right is leading to all the conflicts in the world. All the values are actually fighting for their survival as they know that eventually only the fittest would survive.

Hence, there is a real danger of one ideology dominating the entire world at some point of time by eliminating the rest.

Such a world would be totally colourless and boring because it is the diversity that gives beauty to this world due to its different shades of colour.

No colour by itself is more beautiful than any other colour because every colour of life has its own beauty and its own importance.

  • Excessive freedom and materialism lead to the death of the soul
  • Excessive religious disciple also kills the soul
  • If everyone becomes a monk or ascetic, who would produce goods and children
  • If the world becomes a free market, what would happen to the poor and weak
  • If everyone is rewarded uniformly, what would happen to excellence and innovation
  • If everyone shuns violence, the status quo of the world would never change
  • If everyone follow eye for eye, the world would become blind
  • If people lose faith in God, they may also lose connection with each other
  • If everyone become rational, the humanity would become emotionless and brutal

Everything exists in this world as a complement to each other like different part of the body.

Let the world not become uniform and homogenous to lose all its life and vitality.”

What is the greatest threat to the future of our species?

Ego. It all boils down to the need for power by a relatively few people.Looking back over time, all human atrocities were committed by someone, usually male, wanting to assert his beliefs, opinions, phobias, etc. on others because only his were “TRUE.” Many were in the name of religion. Popes who were supposedly infallible, tortured, crucified, held “crusades”, against anyone they thought could threaten the status quo. Ethnic cleansing in the name of religions, supremacy, whatever. The quest for power and control are what is at play today {and always)in world politics, In the meantime, while power hungry morons are fighting to prove who is most important, and who has the most impressively sized biceps and genitals,some people are actually trying to address the only really important issue – CLIMATE CHANGE. Nothing else will matter if we don’t rescue the earth and reverse it’s almost inevitable demise. 99% of scientists and experts say, without a doubt, that THE PLANET IS DYING. People don’t seem to get it, we keep allowing money hungry corporations to devour resources, dump waste into the oceans, pump out filthy air, cut down forests to make more stuff. Don’t the executives of these companies have families? Don’t they stop to think that this affects them as well? All the money in the world won’t provide enough clean drinking water, food, clean air, etc., if we don’t stop the greed and willful ignorance that is causing this crisis. Our oceans and seas are no longer productive enough to sustain the need for its treasures. We dump plastics and contaniments into it, killing huge populations of sealife, and damaging ecosystems needed to sustain it, sometimes permanently,. Yet, we keep allowing this. There are vast areas off the west coast of the Pacific that have “dead zones” where there is no oxygen in the water. All the bottom feeders are smothering, This has been happening more and more frequently in the past few years,Scientists think the cause is because of climate change. The warming of the oceans and lack of movement of currents or upswells, possibly. Obviously, this is not a good thing. A few years ago, Something caused thousands of starfish to lose their legs, they just were falling off and dissolving. These kinds of things are no longer unusual, but few people are paying attention,A starfish leg here or there might not seem important, but as you go up the food chain and figure out what the lack of starfish does to whatever depends on it, and on up, well, you get it. Droughtsf and devastating forest fires are becoming routine, as are hotter, dryer summers in many areas. The tropical storms, which have always been around, are now much more likely to become hurricanes, and even they are escalating in force and frequency, We are paying trillions of dollars to CLEAN UP AND REPAIR THE DESTRUCTION. Which is unfortunate since it is also keeping people from working, creating hardships that could have been avoided if the government had started trying to avert these disasters. and hopefully, considerations of whether to rebuild in those areas will be weighed.

My point is fairly obvious, just because we all hate the answer, Climate Change is real, and unless we decide to address it now, nothing else matters. Do you want to see your children and grandchildren be subjected to starvation, insane temperatures, no water, disease, etc.? This isn’t drama, think about it. Pretending that it isn’t “caused by man” is irrelevant, If there’s a gnats chance in hell we can at least slow it down until maybe scientists can figure out a way to reverse it, shouldn’t we try? We were given this incredibly beautiful gift, and I don’t care what color skin you have, your spiritual beliefs,, your sexual orientation, or politics, this affects every sentient being on earth, but only humans have the power to stop it, Lose the ego and just start doing what is right, you already know what that is, get involved somehow. Whether it’s walking to the store, using less water, do something now, please.”

What is the greatest threat to the future of our species?

“Naturally, this question implies the ‘survival’ of our species, but I interpret it slightly differently. As I see it, the concern is for the wellbeing, or health, of our species. From this standpoint, the greatest threat is already in full swing. The threat is that we become so disconnected from the natural world that we forget what it feels like to be alive. The majority of humans are clinging to the memories and instincts of our ancestors and the few indigenous humans left. Yet, in 20 years, who’s to say we won’t have gone that much further down the path we’re on that we forget these feelings and memories altogether? This is highly probable in my opinion and would be like getting sick, throwing out the medicine, and eventually just getting so used to being sick that we choose not to get better.

Krishnamurti, a great Indian saint, said, ‘it’s no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society. Similarly, Ram Dass, a spiritual teacher from the US, said, ‘we must first realize we are in prison in order to escape.’ To me, all of these words are as relevant today as ever. We have normalized an illness and imprisoned ourselves in this reality, all the while hiding the key.

I once read a short piece called, ‘There’s a Man In the Habit of Hitting Me on the Head With an Umbrella.’ The character was followed by someone hitting him on the head with an umbrella. At first, it annoyed him greatly, however he became accustomed to it and eventually addicted. He found that he couldn’t live without it. This story symbolized the power of habit – that when we habituate ourselves to something, even if it is destructive to our wellbeing, we have tremendous difficulty changing the inertia. I believe our collective society is becoming habituated to many harmful patterns, and in the process, becoming addicted to them. If we do not begin to loosen this pattern, the knot will get tighter and tighter until there is no hope of undoing it.”

What is the greatest threat to the future of our species?

“The greatest threat is not diversifying our food and resources.  By food, I mean agricultural crops.  If something were to happen, such as the effects of climate change, severe droughts and crop failure would wipe out so much food that a lot of marginalized groups would suffer.  That would gradually wipe out everyone except the rich.”

What is the greatest threat to the future of our species?

“We are nearing what Ray Kurzweil calls ‘the singularity’. Our technological progress is increasing so rapidly that it will continue to evolve along an exponential curve.  This means either doom for most life forms or a crossing over into a new realm of existence.  Kurzweil sees Genetics (reprogramming our own biology), Robotics (greater-than-human abiotic intelligence), AI (self-learning machines), and Nanotechnology (manipulating matter at atomic scale) as the technological gateway to our fate.”