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How do you decide what is moral and what is not?

“Morality and ethics are an endless debate of ideas, which are created out of human interpretation of what natural law is. There is also a natural law that all beings abide to without interpretation but can be understood through basic common sense, which is derived out of the basic virtue of simply being alive. Modern humans have lost touch with that. The basic virtue is simply love and respect. Knowing will come from that space of intelligence which is as natural as turning what we eat into what we are.”

How do you decide what is moral and what is not?

“Ethics have very little basis in justice, and a lot to do with ‘privilege’ – race, sex, and economic status.  It is legal, and therefore ‘ethical,’ for Trump to separate families at the Mexican border, but not for a Native American to stand up and protect their land?  Or for Brock Turner to get 6 months of jail time for rape while black people are at risk of being shot just for going outside?  The spectrum is too vast and random to argue that there is a code of ethics that is based in anything other than race, sex, and economic status.”

How do you decide what is moral and what is not?

“’We’ don’t decide what is moral/ethical and what is not.  We inherit a strict code of conduct, to which it is taboo to argue or oppose in any way.  For example, Amazon is one of the biggest companies in the world and has the richest CEO in the world, yet they pay $0 in federal taxes (while hundreds of thousands are homeless).  This is the case because of a select group of Republican politicians, and does not reflect the majority of the country in any way.  This type of immorality has become so normalized in society that most Americans have accepted it and desensitized ourselves.”

How do you decide what is moral and what is not?

“Humankind must acknowledge thHumans create morality.  We also create good and evil.  We are the only species capable of inflicting harm upon others on purpose.  Even a lion who kills a lioness’ cubs to mate with her does so out of instinct.  We can commit mass atrocities for all sorts of non-essential reasons.  Thus, to limit our destruction, we must impose morals (our laws and rules of society).  The morals that exist in society today are our best attempt at limiting the suffering we cause and maximizing the benefit.”

How do you decide what is moral and what is not?

“Humankind must acknowledge that morality is a social construct.  How could African Americans once be considered property and the US have a black president 150 years later?  This shows the rather arbitrary nature of our societal and global moral codes.  It demonstrates how transitory and also how conditioned they are.  Humans are conditioned to follow a moral code (laws) even if it does not align with their deepest intuitive knowing.  This causes resistance, crime, and sheep-ism.”