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What makes sex taboo?

“Sex often leads to babies. The number of people who want sex exceeds the number of people who are willing to take care of those babies. The taboo is a social device necessary to better align the number of babies with the number of people willing to take care of babies.”

What makes sex taboo?

“Ideas, philosophies, dogmas. It is taboo only by man’s interpretation of what is taboo and what is not taboo. Otherwise, sex is a natural activity for integrating spirit into matter (Taurus), procreation (Leo), intimacy (Scorpio), elevation of consciousness (Aquarius). It is an activity to learn about how to use our creative energy which is our very life force. Because it is precious and delicate, humans are still learning how to use such energy and relate to sex.” 

What makes sex taboo?

“Sex is taboo because of organized religion. In Christianity, for example, there is such a stigma around abstinence, abortion, and celibacy. The result is chaos and ultimately this oppression of people’s sexuality causes rebellion and birth of coping mechanisms. This theme is true in many other religions, and is the foundation for the imbalance of sexuality and sensuality in our world today.”

What makes sex taboo?

“Taboo around sex adds a level of excitement.  It makes sex mysterious and intense.  It becomes extra personal and intimate, and adds an element of forbidden fruit.  To taboo sex is to open the door to our own darkness and allow it to flow out through sex.  This is why there is so much anger, hate, lust, submissiveness, dominance, and other traits alive in sex that most of us don’t show to the light in any other circumstance.”

What makes sex taboo?

“In our culture, death is taboo.  Depression is taboo.  Sex is taboo.  Death is taboo because our entire culture is built around fear and denial of death and decay.  Depression is taboo because we seek the light and fear the darkness within ourselves.  Sex is taboo because we live in a hyper masculine culture that fetishes penetration – from sending rockets into space to waging war.  We taboo what we don’t want to look at, what we fear, and what makes us uncomfortable, in both ourselves and society.”