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Will humans always war with each other?

“No. Light and Dark.
Day and Night.
Yin and Yang.
Good and Evil.
Order and Chaos.
Rich and Poor.
Republican and Democrat.
Predator and Prey.
War and Peace.

What do these all have in common? Dichotomy. A dichotomy has always existed between concepts in the world, creating some sort of conflict for much of history. Why?

Because it is a normal part of human culture. Conflict of some sort is almost always the driving force in the human experience. We use it to push ourselves forward through life. War is simply another one of the many dichotomies we all experience in our lives. It has always been a part of us, and likely always will. However, unlike many others in the dichotomy relationships, it has the capability to end us all. War will forever haunt humanity. The trick for us all is to not allow it to end us all.”

Will humans always war with each other?

“Wars are supposed to be the last Dharmic stance a ruler or government can take for stopping the perpetuation of violence.  Krishna encouraged Arjuna to fight a war because adharma (evil) had infiltrated everywhere and the only solution was an annihilation of all. Such a situation arose in the 20th century twice. But today, wars are fought not just on battlegrounds, but in schools and educational institutions, in churches, mosques and temples.  In fact, in every place considered more sacred. Millions of people have died since WW2 and are continuing to be killed, mostly women and children. All the news of today is covered with a veil of violence.

Is something wrong with humans? The human life we consider to be the most developed and precious and rare. Yet it is us who are directly responsible for this relentless war on peace. The tendencies are more animalistic than ever.  No animal kills for fun – just for preservation and self protection. The biggest industry in the world is the Arms industry which symbolizes our collective mindset.  From small arms to all weapons of war are valued to bring about peace. The story of nuclear bombs is a sad story.  What countries need is less than 5 bombs to act as a deterrent, not thousands. This myth we have all been sold on.

If you look at psychological wars going on relentlessly, it’s even more fearful. The corporates are selling lies daily. The food, water and air are contaminated. The growth is a mirage… Is this growth of 7 percent going to give more happiness? Is it going to make society less stressful? Are the constant psychological attacks on each other going to become less? Are we going to be ever content? The answer is No. Unless you have some magic in your hand.

All wars are fought on a subtle level of human personality. The Enlightened tell us that there is no question of peace in the world unless there is peace in our heart and mind.  If this cannot be achieved, there will be no peace outside in society. Society is but a reflection of our collective peacefulness.This is the reason why eastern thinkers, seers and sages focus on the individual. They were certainly not fools.  Reflect today and every day on your own state of mind and you can arrive at relative peace and help others if you can. I see no other way.  Am I pessimistic? No, but the four yugas describe the direction we are headed in this Kali Yuga (age of destruction).  Be concerned with your own peace of mind first.”

Will humans always war with each other?

“Nothing is pre-determined. Infinite possibilities are always at our doorstep if we choose so. It is a choice, not an option, of what will happen. If we are a conscious being then we are a responsible being, which means that we are dynamically able to choose. The problem is that we do not choose to be responsible for life, and therefore we become a martyr of life. Responsibility is not capability – we are 100% responsible, but we may not be 100% capable. It comes down to what choice we are making.”

Will humans always war with each other?

“Humans will always war, however the way they do so will change (and already has).  We have gone from sword combat to trench warfare, to aerial and marine warfare, to drone warfare, and now we hardly do more than push a button to kill thousands.  We now declare war on anything and everything – terror, drugs, oil, coronavirus… anyone and everything in the way of profit is an enemy.  Thus, while war may be more subtle today than it used to be, it is still very much alive and well.”

Will humans always war with each other?

“Of the past 3400 years, humans have been ‘at peace’ for a total of 268 of them (or 8 percent).  Today, over 21 million people serve in the armed forces around the world and the US budgets $750 billion for the military each year.  Yet, according to famed psychologist Steven Pinker, we are living in the most peaceful time in human history.  How could that be?  Regardless, today our species faces many existential threats, and our survival depends on unprecedented compassion and unity.”