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What separates humans from other life forms?

“Other than naturally contrasting unique characteristics, any separating identifying belief. All organisms act out of their own need and have unique qualities and characteristics. Because we’re all different, that fact makes us the same. We are all equally alive in this world. You could say we are different because of our massive needs and desires vs other organisms who live simple unharmful lifestyles towards the environment. One unique characteristic i can name about humans vs others is no other organism has enslaved races or species of animals to work for them like we have. No other organism has made such a massive harmful impact on the ecosystem. But whos to say if kangaroos became the dominant species they would most likely do the same thing. Not realizing their affection until it starts causing bigger problems.”

What separates humans from other life forms?

“A form of ‘consciousness’? But it’s hard to gauge because I’m using my limited human knowledge to measure another species. And the scale I’m using to make those measurements could be totally inept if there is knowledge I just don’t have to measure certain things. I don’t know if it’s fair to label beings more sentient than others, because, I don’t know what they know. It’s in the same vein as that Einstein quote- ‘If you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it’ll live it’s whole life believing that it’s stupid.’ Maybe other creatures can’t write a dissertation, create artificial intelligence, or write a book of poems- but, maybe I don’t even know the kind of divine knowledge that is within them, and if I chalk it up to a hierarchal world, where us humans are at the top, and that’s that- I might rob myself of juicy discovery- Or the joy of wonder, at the very least.”

What separates humans from other life forms?

“Humans have gone farther than other species’ in understanding and manipulating the world; matter, energy, the laws of physics, etc. While many other intelligent species have learned how to use tools and manipulate their environment to complete basic tasks such as feeding/surviving/mating, humans have learned to break matter down to its basic elements to create things not made from nature. Humans are also the only species that play God and use more resources than we need, as far as I’m aware. I think a lot of this speaks to our intelligence. If we’re simply defining intelligence as the capacity to learn, reason and solve problems, it’s clear that humans are the most intelligent species, which is why we’ve pretty much dominated the planet. Although, we have created as many problems as we’ve solved. But I think consciousness is a different story. I don’t think we know enough about consciousness to say that humans are the only conscious species. There’s the long withstanding argument that believing humans to be the only “conscious” species is egotistical. This gets into the whole “what is consciousness” debate, which is a different tangent, but the question of whether consciousness is what separates humans from other lifeforms can’t be answered until we understand more about it.”

What separates humans from other life forms?

“The ability to respond to Life consciously and co-create intelligently with the cosmos through one’s own will. No being on Earth gets to make conscious choice. This is a curse and a blessing of being human. Misaligned choices bring calamity and aligned choices brings prosperity. We are made to co-create with the intelligence of the universe or what we call God. Human had been trying to figure this out all ages.”

What separates humans from other life forms?

“Humans are the most conceited species to have ever existed.  We have long promoted the myth that we are ‘special’, yet there is little evidence to support the claim.  Perhaps our species is unique, just as a tick or a bear is unique, but are we anything special?  We are a rather young species – only 200,000 years old – perhaps we would be well served by learning from the species that have been around for longer than we.  But instead, we rape and pillage, diminish ecosystems, and thrust the Earth out of balance.”

What separates humans from other life forms?

“Humans are unique in a number of ways – from wearing clothes to using fire to having traits like memory, empathy and language (to name a few).  However, more than anything, our uniqueness lies in the psychological characteristic called Ego.  We are the only creature on earth to consciously construct a ‘self’ that is separate from the rest of nature.  This characteristic is fundamental in our evolution, whether we like it or not, and is the path for the evolution of consciousness – human and planetary.”