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What were you doing while the USA slid into a dictatorship?

“After COVID, social unrest, and four years of the president’s shenanigans, I have now developed a good bit of cognitive dissonance. It has hard for me to take anything at face value, to find unbiased sources, and to have faith in our society anymore. Most of the information that orbits around my echo chamber has been shared so many times, I have lost touch with its true implications. Thus, I sit here, piecing the puzzle together of the president’s takeover of our democracy, yet completely numb to the reality of such fate.”

What were you doing while the USA slid into a dictatorship?

“Watching in amazement, yet stuck in debilitating fear. Even as the seemingly inconceivable began to unravel as reality in front of us, I sat stunned, glued to the screen, completely disconnected from the reality of what was happening. It is easy to dismiss tragic events in history as a collection of human ignorance, but when it is happening in real time, the vantage point changes. I certainly did not give enough attention to the warning sirens blaring from certain folks. While it is still not guaranteed that we will slide fully into a dictatorship, those seeds have been sewn and the evidence is there that such a fate is still very much a possibility. Now as much as ever. Accomplished via a simple, step-by-step recipe.”