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If humanity was put on trial by an advanced race of aliens, would you defend humanity and argue for its continued existence or argue for the end of the human species? How?

“Depends on what the aliens thought we were guilty OF, really. Why are we on trial? Because we kill each other? Irrelevant your honor, since your alien fleet is here to wipe out humanity. You aliens kill other species. Is it the ideological reasons we kill each other? There are 190 nations on this planet, with varying ideologies that constantly change and shift. One of them is bound to match your ideological views if you look closely enough (and in some nations, there is no ‘core ideology’, but a bizarre mishmash of belief, which means that even folks in countries you don’t like will have ideologies you approve of).

Is it resources you need? We have water here, but it’s dirty….Try the Kuiper belt, or Saturn’s rings, or the comets, for cleaner water. So, for whatever galactic law were have supposedly broken, whatever moral code we are in violation of, I’d find the loophole, the exemption, the excuse to get them to back off. If all else fails, if humans truly WERE reprehensible and irredeemable, I’d argue that the court is wasting resources because we are very likely to wipe ourselves out in a few hundred years anyway, so why bother expending effort to kill something that’s already dead?”

If humans were put on trial by aliens…

“I will not defend humanity or argue. After all they are an advanced race of aliens. This means their understanding of universal/natural law is higher than ours. The problem with humanity is our sense of righteousness that is embedded in anthropo-centrism. I trust fair judgement will be passed by the advanced race of aliens.”

If humans were put on trial by aliens…

“I would defend the human species by cutting these aliens a deal.  Yes, we have done a lot of damage on Earth, however we have also brought a lot of benefit.  Humans are in an adolescent stage of evolution, and thus, we should be tried as adolescents.  For the millions of species extinctions we have caused, we should be penalized with probation.  If, in the next 20 years, we do not demonstrate stewardship for the planet and its life forms and a corresponding mindset of peace and love, we should be penalized with extinction.”

If humans were put on trial by aliens…

“Even an advanced species of aliens are unlikely to be more intelligent than the planet Earth.  Thus, to interfere with the natural path of evolution would be ignorant.   Rather, to allow the Earth to cycle through life as it does so well, is a wiser decision for the evolution of Earth and consciousness.  Humans will die out naturally, as will millions of other species in the process.  There have already been 5 mass extinctions, and each has led to a jolt in evolution in the next phase.”

If humans were put on trial by aliens…

“Humans are the most evolved species on planet Earth.  We have offered Earth self-consciousness, and have explored consciousness in a way previously unimaginable.  While our continued existence is devastating to the other species of planet Earth, the evolution of the Universe is deeper than simply remaining in passive balance and ignorance on our tiny planet.”