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What will Trump do if he loses the election?

“Imagine Trump’s power as a graph. He has been rollercoaster-ing for 50 years, yet steadily growing his power. He has now reached a point where his power has spiked to, by far, its highest point in his life. What would he do if he is all of a sudden de-throned and his power plunges? For a mentally unstable human as Trump is, this will be catastrophic. The mere thought of it has already worked its way through him, and he is talking about leaving the country or not knowing what he would do… he is clearly very flustered by the reality of being out of power (and add to that the potential for prison time).

With his last few months in office, he will fight to the literal death to keep his power (as power-mongerers always do). This mental illness is a lifestyle, and throughout history has played itself out over and over again – from ancient emperors to Hitler to modern billionaires like Jeff Bezos. Trump cannot conceive of returning to a reality in which he does not have extreme power, and thus, he will take on the mentality of fighting for his life. With his finger on the trigger of nuclear weaponry, he will bluff every bit of perceived power to intimidate the other side to leave him alone. He simply has nothing to lose at that point.

Ultimately, he will be killed – either by himself or someone else – within the next year. It will be the end of a mini civil war, and the beginning of an even more tense spell in the USA.

What will Trump do if he loses the election?

“While the hype is exciting and fascinating to witness, the post-election reality will likely underwhelm. Trump will lose by a substantial margin, with the loss compounding as more and more ballots are counted. His attempt to claim victory will be short-lived, and the violence will not be cohesive and will not gain much traction. Ultimately, more so than trying to spite democrats, Trump will spend his remaining month in office doing whatever possible to avoid prison time. Simply cleaning up his mess will be his last task in office, as his ultimate goal is not to go to jail. He will pardon himself and not be prosecuted.”

What will Trump do if he loses the election?

“The final two months of 2020 are likely to be the climax of a historic year. After a global pandemic, economic collapse, climate catastrophe and historic social unrest, the USA is poised for an all-out civil war in November and December. The president has made clear that he has no plans of leaving the White House and will do all in his power to keep the presidency. He has an armed militia cult following already trying to intimidate voters and speaking about starting a war if Trump loses in November. The Democratic side can only hope that the military, which is supposed to be unaffiliated, will step up and protect democracy. However, there is likely to be bloodshed at the feet of Trump who will be commanding, via twitter, from the protection of his bedroom.”

What will Trump do if he loses the election?

“Trump’s world is predictable, transparent and simple. Even his erratic behavior always follows the same overarching trends. He lies so often that we can predict with good likelihood that the truth is the opposite of what he says. He is a clinical narcissist who always (and predictably) puts his own interests first. He is also very clearly depressed, and derives all self-worth from perceived power. So given these factors, here is my prediction:

Trump will lose decisively in November, and after an attempt at fighting it, he will realize that his presidency is over. He will then pardon all his henchmen and attempt to pardon himself. He will leave office after what he calls a rigged election that he will spin as having actually won. Jail time would be the only true loss for Trump, and he will do all he can not to go to prison – even if that means playing dirty. His goal will be to use his cult following to start a show on FOX where his political rants can be unhinged. Ultimately, that will be the only way he can keep some of the power that he will so desperately cling to. If he does get sentenced, he will commit suicide. Though if you ask me, watching Trump rot in prison, with a scruffy beard and bald head, would be the greatest poetic justice in the history of humankind.”