Why is there so much homelessness in the USA?

by | Jul 12, 2021 | 0 comments

“Statistically speaking, there is no good reason for the continuation of homelessness in the USA (at least for those who would rather not be homeless). It is estimated to cost $25 billion to eradicate homelessness in this country. For perspective, that is less money than our nation spends on Christmas decorations each year. Likewise, it costs on average 30 to 40 thousand dollars per homeless person per year when we factor in medical bills, shelters, jail and court fees, and other expenses. That is estimated to be 3-4 times more than it would likely cost to house these people – about $10,000. So there is no clear economic benefit to our system as it is, and incentive to change the system. So why don’t we?

My theory is that by intentionally allowing for a modern-day ‘untouchable’ class – one that is on the streets, in our faces all the time – a message is sent to the American public that danger looms should we step off the modern-American treadmill. We dare not risk becoming one of ‘those’ people who loses everything and is thus shunned and subservient in society. It’s strictly a psychological message to keep the sheep in line, to incite fear, and to maintain a power-dynamic in which the majority is at the whim of those atop the pyramid.”

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