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If you could teach everyone in the world one concept, what would it be?

“If I could teach everyone in the world one concept, it would be to feel–– to allow each emotion to pulse through us like a tidal wave, drinking in and breathing out every bit of grief, rage, joy, ecstasy, and despair. We live in a culture that rewards numbing, a culture that encourages us to SUPPRESS, REPRESS, and HOLD IN our emotions to the point of making ourselves sick. So we learn from a young age onward how to dampen our big emotional waves through restricting our breath and distracting ourselves. Re-learning how to feel deeply would have a positive impact on humanity because feeling coaxes hidden parts of ourselves out from the shadows so that they can be loved. Strong self love allows us to end the war with ourselves, which will ultimately end the war with all other selves.”

If you could teach everyone in the world one concept, what concept would have the most positive impact on humanity?

“Non-judgment.  Constantly judging others is a sign of great weakness.  It is the indication of an enlarged ego.  You are using your own yardstick of limited perception, which itself is not the reality of things or people.  You must not get agitated by others’ judgement, but understand that they speak from ignorance of their limited and mostly faulty perception of you. This will allow you to remain psychologically well and bring benefit to countless beings.”

If you could teach everyone in the world one concept, what concept would have the most positive impact on humanity?

“Humility. It means surrendering our own sense of righteousness and entering the space of equanimity and empathy. Humility is also cultivating the willingness to participate in life. Rather than acting compulsively, humility means choosing to act consciously. In such a way, we can recognize our interconnectedness and our differences can be embraced and appreciated as a chance for growth.”

If you could teach everyone in the world one concept, what concept would have the most positive impact on humanity?

“Listen.  Everything that is worth thinking, doing, or having starts here.  We listen with all our senses – it is the act of stillness, openness, receptivity all at once.  To learn to listen would open the door for understanding, which is the key to compassion, kindness, and peace.  Every single conflict in human history had its origins from a misunderstanding – one that could have been resolved by deep listening from each side.  My mantra is ‘Truly listen.’”

If you could teach everyone in the world one concept, what concept would have the most positive impact on humanity?

“Compassion.  We have all felt the joy and fulfillment that comes from empathy and generosity towards others (and the dissatisfaction that comes from being selfish).  Likewise, we all want happiness ourselves.  As the Dalai Lama says, “if we wish to be truly selfish, we should be wisely selfish.”  In other words, if we wish for our own wellbeing, compassion for others rewards us with this wellbeing.  Though a very clear and fundamental truth, our habits and deluded perceptions make it hard to see.”