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What is your most far out theory?

“The Universe is vast – perhaps infinite; perhaps it transitions into another Universe and thus creates a multiverse.  Yet, in all this vastness, there are only a select few elements to pick from.  There are, quite likely, many other earth-like planets, many of which may be identical to Earth.  It is possible that there’s another ‘you’ sitting on another Earth, or even infinite ‘you’s’ on infinite Earths.”

What is your most far out theory?

“Our human eyesight is pretty damn good, but even we don’t see every color.  In dogs, for example, the world appears blue, yellow and gray (not red or green).  We see a more vivid world, but also see all sorts of shades of gray.  What if gray was a color(s) that we cannot see, and only appears gray to our eyes?”

What is your most far out theory?

“Cats may be far more intelligent than we think they are.  The ancient Egyptians,among other cultures, revered cats.  They are the apex predator in every ecosystem they inhabit.  They are the strongest, fastest, most agile animals in the world.  They are extremely fine tuned to their surroundings, and demonstrate a meditative demeanor.  Cats may be the most all-around evolved creatures on the planet, and perhaps are even a gift from another planet altogether.”

What is your most far out theory?

“The Earth is like an oasis in the desert of space.  It somehow has access to consciousness, which, like water, all life forms want.  Yet, everything in form, from rocks to trees to animals, has access to this consciousness – all that differs is how they choose to access it.  Thus, what if rocks are accessing the consciousness by being like freckles – completely still and faced into the Earth.  Plants/trees are like hairs, humans are like lice.  All of form has a different way of connecting to the Earth just like every phone has a different charging cable.”

What is your most far out theory?

“Theories are not the future of humanity. We need to go beyond theories to discover our true nature and to answer our deeper existential questions. I believe humans have the capacity to learn and gain knowledge not just through rationale or logic but also through feelings and sensations. I believe if we learn to open up our connections to our subtle senses, we can learn a great deal about life and our existence. Therefore, I ask if you are reading all of my answers, to read with mindfulness and feelings rather than with logic alone.”