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What are thoughts?

“Thoughts are a product of the mind. Just like color, shapes and any visual dimension is a product of sight, sound the product of hearing, etc. If we know our sight is not who we are, the sound is not who we are, the touch of our hands onto a surface is not who we are, then why are we so grossly identified with the product of the mind which are our thoughts?”

What are thoughts?

“The mind, despite not existing in physical form, is like another organ in the body.  Just as our kidneys filter blood, the mind produces thoughts.  We must take care of our minds just as we take care of our other vital organs.  Drinking alcohol harms the kidneys, and habituating chaos and negative thoughts harms the mind.  Our habits determine the quality of our wellbeing and health, and most of us do not realize that, while our bodies may be healthy, our minds are quite ill.  Habituating positive thinking improves the health of the mind, which improves our own lives and the lives of others.”

What are thoughts?

“Thoughts are like electrons in an atom, atoms in a molecule, cells in a body, bees around a hive, or asteroids in a galaxy.  They are filler – the spontaneous, ecstatic foundation of consciousness.  Thoughts are a natural characteristic of consciousness, just as growing apples is a natural characteristic of an apple tree.  Zen master Dogen Zenji says, “Think about not thinking. How…?  Not thinking.”  Thinking is naturally what the mind does, but we do not have to get caught up in our thoughts.”

What are thoughts?

“Thoughts are fractal images of the Universe.  They arise out of seemingly nothing whatsoever, yet they can manifest as anything.  So we ask, well these elusive little buggers arise from thinking, so who’s the thinker?  Then we realize that there really is no thinker either.  Our minds are just like thoughts – nothing to grasp, yet they paint our whole reality.  We realize the same thing about our bodies, our planet, and everything we can conceive of.  It all arises from the void, exists temporarily, and then is gone again.”

What are thoughts?

“Science shows that more than half our body is made of ‘non-human’ cells.  We are hosts for billions of other microscopic life forms.  We do not know what these life forms look or feel like, yet they dictate how our body functions.  Likewise, we do not know what our thoughts are or where they come from.  Our thoughts are perhaps not ‘our own’ either.  As with the computer, perhaps evolution means shrinking in size.  Thus, our thoughts may be another, more advanced life form, living in our brains.”