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What is the Universe?

“The universe, in its entirety, is incomprehensible to us at this stage. But some things we can understand are the basics. We live on this earth world, this physical reality, with our physical bodies. Then there is a spirit world. Which we also live on, when we are in the spirit world, we use our spirit bodies (like in dreams).”

What is the Universe?

“The universe is an act of love, an act of play; the universe is pure poetry, pure dance, pure music. The universe is a constant birthing and becoming… even death is birthed into existence! The universe is a drop of the ocean of the Creator’s heart. What magic, what a gift! What a miracle!”

What is the Universe?

“This is a philosophical question that has been around for as long as mans recorded thought- and probably longer. You’d think we would have some reasonable answers to lean on. But alas! We still rack our brains. From my own understanding the universe is matter and energy. Using my given set of senses, and my ability to use logic and reason. Now, if you ask me what it all “means”- I might digress quickly, because, frankly, I have no idea. Ask me when I’m older.”

What is the Universe?

“I feel like the word ‘universe’ is a concept that humans have constructed and ultimately defined. The scientific definition of the universe is essentially ‘all living matter and space considered as a whole; all of Earth, the planets, stars, galaxies; the cosmos.’ Essentially, the universe is everything. As we have defined it, it is all-encompassing. This raises the question: is the universe infinite? Can there be more than one universe? Nothing so far discovered in science has disproved the possibility of the universe having no boundaries. These questions make us seem incredibly small.”

What is the Universe?

“The Universe is the All-Encompassing Consciousness that is shared through the form and formless (form that exists in different dimensions of perception that cannot be perceived through human limited faculty) and emptiness (spaciousness). Universe begins and ends with singularity in space and expands outwards as consciousness zoom inwards. Yes, perhaps maybe, in the black hole there is another universe.”

What is the Universe?

“It’s logically impossible to have just ‘one’ of something. One ‘circle’ implies that there is an outside and an inside.  Same goes for a Universe — it is a tool for us to begin down the path of understanding, but not the final answer.  All we can do is extrapolate on themes we experience — i.e., how particles look in atoms, how neurons look in brains, how bees look around their hive, and how the Universe looks to our best telescopes — all hints that there are more levels to this thing!”