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What is the greatest lesson to learn from heartbreak?

“One of the greatest teachings of heartbreak is that of death. Heartbreak gives the opportunity to know death in a deeply intimate and personal manner, offering a dynamic range of emotions, thoughts, and sensations useful for both knowing this universal process of endings and the being that is experiencing them. Within heartbreak we may find ourselves in ways previously unknown to us.”

If a person grew up in the wilderness without any human contact, how (if at all) would they be different from the rest of us?

“Unfortunately, we know that persons developed in absence of human contact do not develop into what the common man would describe as human. The absence of human rearing and socialization prevents development of advanced linguistic and abstract cognitive capabilities; some of the most key aspects of humanity. In this way, it can be theorized that ‘being human’ is the result of engaging in a recursive memetic patterning process through which higher order consciousness is gradually acquired.”

What is the greatest teaching the COVID19 pandemic is offering us?

“Greatness of teaching is dependent on context. One: Unexamined group consciousness will emerge into external reality, eg. social distancing as continuation of social abstraction via tech. Two: We need to optimize our institutions and systems for anti-fragility. Currently we are efficient but fragile. Three, our collective sensemaking apparatus is broken on every level; data input, framing, interpretation, and decision making. Four, we may not want to optimize for prevention of death over everything else.”