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Why is there so much homelessness in the USA?

“Statistically speaking, there is no good reason for the continuation of homelessness in the USA (at least for those who would rather not be homeless). It is estimated to cost $25 billion to eradicate homelessness in this country. For perspective, that is less money than our nation spends on Christmas decorations each year. Likewise, it costs on average 30 to 40 thousand dollars per homeless person per year when we factor in medical bills, shelters, jail and court fees, and other expenses. That is estimated to be 3-4 times more than it would likely cost to house these people – about $10,000. So there is no clear economic benefit to our system as it is, and incentive to change the system. So why don’t we?

My theory is that by intentionally allowing for a modern-day ‘untouchable’ class – one that is on the streets, in our faces all the time – a message is sent to the American public that danger looms should we step off the modern-American treadmill. We dare not risk becoming one of ‘those’ people who loses everything and is thus shunned and subservient in society. It’s strictly a psychological message to keep the sheep in line, to incite fear, and to maintain a power-dynamic in which the majority is at the whim of those atop the pyramid.”

To what extent do ‘highs’ lead us to truth?

The great irony is that our confused state of typical waking consciousness does not recognize ‘truth’ and thus mistakes itself for its ignorant understanding of truth. In reality, our ‘highs’ are truth – they are temporary moments of merging with the divine, free of the distraction of our everyday, conditioned consciousness. When we are drunk, high, in the zone on the sports field, with loved ones, deep in stimulating conversation, in nature, etc – all of these experiences are examples of moments of ‘unity’ – moments of truth. The only thing that’s separating us from this unity in all our waking moments is a conditioned mind of dualism and separation. So rather than our ‘highs’ leading us to truth, it’s everything-other-than-our-highs leading us away from truth.”

Reconnect with ancient ways or embrace a technological age?

“To answer this, we must recognize the power of human ingenuity throughout our species’ history. We have been using ‘technology’ since Homo sapiens emerged hundreds of thousands of years ago. Whether it be creating tools out of sticks and stones, calendars from astrological patterns, or computers, we have always embraced technology. This new phase of humankind is crossing over into yet another great leap forward in technology, which is both exciting and nerve-racking. All of this, however, is just to say that the question is not one or the other. The answer is that our future depends on how we recognize and integrate both of the above options. They are both interdependent and inseparable. Let me explain:

Where humans seem to have gone awry is that in our fog of immense progress in technology, we have lost our footing – our connection to the earth. We are becoming more and more ‘computerized’ – physically and in our consciousness. When we reflect on ‘ancient ways’, we see Shamanic cultures. Peoples whose existence was indelibly connected to the Earth and its processes. People whose technology, social structure, spirituality, and all-around lifestyles were reflective of and in harmony with the Earth. As more and more aspects of indigenous roots are cut, we lose more and more of our connection to the soil of human existence. Without these roots, even the beautiful flowers of modern and future technology cannot bloom and perhaps even, the whole plant of human society can die.

This is not to diminish the incredible beauty of modern technology. By itself, the technology we have been able to create in recent decades is among the most profound accomplishments in the known Universe. It surely represents our portal into the ‘unknown’ regions of our universe. However, like any teenager who is tasting freedom for the first time, we have shown an immaturity around harnessing this profound technology. We have lost our footing and, in the process, are carelessly and recklessly destroying the very ground we stand upon. Without the consciousness of ancient societies – that of connectedness, gratitude, compassion, and wisdom – all of our efforts and accomplishments technologically will only accelerate our destruction.

All in all, our next phase of evolution must be double-edged. It must be a form of expansion, encapsulating the ancient wisdom of our ancestors, our own intuitive wisdom, and the intelligence embodied by technology. This is our only path forward – any other way is only a path towards being lost.”